
I’ve been considering taking my site in a new, more positive direction over the past several months. In some ways it reflects the healing and growth that I’ve gone through in my life, but also because I’d like to see many people experience the kind of growth and healing and freedom that has been so helpful for me.

For a while now, my thoughts have been saturated with the future — my family’s future, but also a future that sees Heaven as a final destiny on this long journey. I can envision what that’ll look like and my heart is so full of joy for God’s people, yet grieve that I struggle and groan in my inward being for that day. There’s so many distractions in life! I guess many share my dream and anticipation. My goal has been to operate in the present, in this life the way it will be in Heaven some glorious day. I miss the mark, so many times. Thank God for His forgiveness and restoration.

With this goal in mind, I’m working to uplift and encourage, which has been what I’ve been doing for those who’ve been injured, but now also for those with whom I’ve disagreed with on the authoritarian teachings. We’re all on this journey, and I pray for God’s help to become more like Him in my interaction. So, while I have the light and understanding and discernment God gave me and have clashed swords with many, I’ll continue to hold strong to my freedom in Christ, and strive to enter into His peace in all my encounters. The greatest thing we can do with one another is love each other. What does that look like? How will those who don’t know our Jesus yet see Him? It’ll be through our love.

I’ve got some decisions to make regarding my blog. The stats and personal interactions show that people are very interested in many of my experiences in the past, yet I’d like to move on to continue to grow and love. I would welcome any comments on this matter.

Also, my post about Sono will be continuing, as I have some things I’d like to share about her memorial and life.

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